A basic comparison between CAT and GATE

CAT is a test conducted for admission to the management programs of IIMs. Many other institutions are also using CAT score for admission to their MBA programs in India. Aspirants having a graduate degree or going to complete a graduate degree (three, four or five year program)are eligible to write the test. Question paper is common and cuts across all disciplines(science arts commerce engineering etc.).Qualifying CAT does not ensure a fellowship or lead to a job.
GATE is graduate aptitude test in engineering and persons who have completed or going to complete a minimum of four year graduation program after class twelve in science or engineering are eligible to write GATE examination. Unlike CAT question paper is different for different  discipline of science and engineering. GATE score is used by different centrally funded technical institutes(IIT,NIT etc)for admission to their M Tech/M E programs in science and engineering. Many state and private universities are fully or partly doing the same. Nowadays fellowships are not guaranteed for admission through GATE but there is a possibility in some institutes. Nowadays different public sector organisations are recruiting scientists and engineers based on GATE score. In many centrally funded technical institutes GATE score is required for direct admission to PHD program directly after doing bachelors program.
It is always advisable to visit websites for getting update from time to time for converging to a decision.

Prof. Ajay Chakraborty
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication
IIT Kharagpur
Dean Of Research,
Techno India University, West Bengal


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