What is the importance of microbiology?

Importance of Microbiology
Microbiology can be considered as both basic and applied science. It deals with the very details of microscopic organisms that surrounds us. Be it physiological, chemical or biochemical, Microbiology is a discipline that always gives us the whole understanding of the universe of the minute organisms. 
On the other hand, as an applied science, it has an essential role in the development of various industries in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and agriculture.
Microbiology as a subject of high relevance and scope, students can choose industrial, academic or research career.
If 19th and 20th century was the era of chemistry, the 21st century undoubtedly is the era of biology, and no field of biology is complete without the understanding of microorganisms.
Being one of the best universities in India, Techno India University, West Bengal, understands the prime importance of studying Microbiology in post Covid-19 era.Our moto is to cultivate the scientists hidden in the young minds and present them to the bigger world.Also we promote all round development of personality through multifaceted education and foster self confidence and self reliance in our students.

Dr. Priyanka Bhowmik,
Professor, Dept.of Microbiology, 
Techno India University, West Bengal
Ex.Post Doctoral Fellow,ICMR NICED Virus Laboratory


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